GiEPA holds stakeholders’ engagement on investment incentives

The Gambia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (GiEPA), yesterday held a day-long investment incentives stakeholder engagement awareness forum to consider the challenges faced and the way forward by private sector players in helping the country’s economy and consider recommendations for government action. Held at the Bakadaji Hotel, the theme of the event was ‘Sensitization on investment incentives process and procedures for efficient service delivery’. The convergent engaged 73 Special Investment Certificate (SIC) and Special Export Promotion Zone License (EPZL) holders awarded by The Gambia government with a net investment portfolio of US$268 million. Modou Lamin Sowe, director of investment promotion and facilitation at GiEPA explained that when serving people or clients, they should at least come together annually and have a dialogue. Through the dialogue, he said, they will be able to assess how well they served their sector. “Our mandate is to promote and facilitate investment...