Meet Malapane Ntebatse vinolia who lives in South Africa and became the Africa's’ favorite model

Malapane Ntebatse Vinoli, is 25 years old. Originally she come from Limpopo in Bolobedu, and based in Pretoria South Africa. The time she was in primary school, she was constantly bullied because of her skin tone, sometimes going to school was very hard for here because she always asked herself what will happen today, what will they say about her, how they will laugh at her. All the jokes about dark and ugly were always about her, even at high school it was the same thing, her life was hell. there was no way out, she have always been a smart kid who would perform well, was always on to of her class. she loved beauty pageants very much but because of the colour of her skin , she wasn't able to participate because they would laugh at her, make jokes about her. she didn't really have many friends, people wouldn't want to associate themselves with her, she passed her matric with flying colours,...