Onesight committed in combating eye problem

By Pa Modou Cham

Karty Overbey, President and executive director of Onesight international has on Friday in a press briefing held at the Serrekunda hospital disclosed that Onesight is committed to the mission of combating eye problem in the country by bringing availability of vision centers to the communities.

Part of the briefing to highlights their achievements, She expressed delights to be part of the journey that all Gambians have access to high quality and affordable vision care centers, while adding that Onesight believe in a world where access to vision care is no longer a barrier.

“There is currently 1.1 Billion people around the globe who needs eye glasses but do not have access to them. One sight is working to solve that and we realize by doing that we needed to develop more permanent solution, most especially in human capital.” 

She said that Onesight have expanded their vision centers in ten countries and opened over 113 vision centers. She stated that by the end of this year, they hope to provide access to 38 million people around the world, adding that none of these could have possible without the partnership they have in The Gambia.

Dr. Aba Hydara, the Chief Executive Officer and coordinator national eye health program reiterated that Sheikh Zayed is a government public hospital that was officially opened in February 2007. He added that is tertiary eye center and it is mandated to service delivery in offer treatment to patience, training, research and resource mobilization.

“Over the past, we have almost thirty thousand out patience, done over fifty thousand surgeries; issued almost fifteen thousand spectacles and about five thousand children have received sight restored surgery.”

He said with the coming of Onesight, there have empowered them to maintain the leadership in eye care delivery in the country. He added that Sheikh Zayed is the epic of eye care delivery in the country and they want more high quality services in the country.

Madam Isatou Jobe, senior optometrist at Sheikh Zayed regional eye care center under the national eye health program explained that Sheikh Zayed started in 2010, went the national eye health program of The Gambia wanted to upgrades perfectionists to advance diplomat level. She said during the cause of that, they though they should upgrade all the existing perfectionists that were in the country through sight savers international.

“The center has been doing outreach programs to all the regions and we have opened free eye vision center in Bwiam, Soma, Brikama, Gunjur, Farafani and Basse. From the data gathered, those are the most strategic places to setup a vision center.”


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