SIC President label Ahmaddise as 'none Muslims'

Imam Muhammad Lamin Touray, the President of Supreme Islamic Council (SIC) who today testified before the Truth commission, labelled the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jammat as none Muslims.
"We don't have power to ban them but if we have that power, we will not allow them. We cannot have Ahmaddise and Muslims in one umbrella, that's impossible. One can either be a Muslim or Ahmadise."
Lead counsel Essa Faal told him that there is no one in the country who can ban a religion body or Sect because is not granted by the Constitution.
On whether the Ahmaddise can join the SIC, Imam Touray indicated that; "Ahmadise can be only welcome to the council, if they are ready to accept our rules and regulations. if the laws of the country allows Ahmaddise to join th council, then that is a sabotage to the Muslims."
Imam testified that the Ahmaddise are none Muslims and they cannot join a muslim's organizations. He added that the Ahmaddise can have their own organization but if the law give them the power, then is sabotage to Islam.
Imam said the only problem he has with the Ahmaddise is the use of Muslims because they are not.
He added that he love the ban of Ahmaddise on their activities as published Monday July 14, 1997 by the Point.
On the issue of threat to execute the Ahmaddise In 1997, as pronounced by Imam Abdoulie Fatty to taken them to Mc Carthy Square and make them convert to Islam or to be killed.
Faal asked Imam Touray whether that is in line with the Islamic law. However, Touray said it is prohibited in Islam to force or kill someone for not wanting to convert into Islam.
"I do not at any time realised or heard that the Ahmaddise were asked to be ban with their schools and hospitals."
On the destroyed of Ahmaddise's mosque in Sarra Ngau, Imam said a mosque that brings violence should be stop.
On whether their mandates involves ban on Imams for sermons, he said they do not have that mandate, instead to monitor sermons.
About the Shia Sect, Imam testified that they can easily destroy a place because Muslims cannot sit and see them insulting Sadina Omar.
On the issue of banning Ba Kawsu for preaching, Touray indicated that he Ba Kawsu was banned because of his security and the nation as well. He added without banning Ba Kawsu would have brought destruction to the society.


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