Newly imported Covid-19 case spends night in Farafanni

The Deputy director of Health Services Dr. Mustapha Bittaye has today in a daily press briefing with regards to Covid-19 stated that after conducting 24 tests, one came positive, saying the country is currently having two active cases. In a briefing held in Banjul, Dr. Bittaye further indicated that the new case came to the country the 26 of April and spends the night at Farafanni, where a call was made through the toll free number to collect him. “He was later picked the 28 day of April and taken to quarantine, which he later tested positive. We are doing efforts to quarantine those he spent the night with and traced the people he joined the same car with.” Dr. said 10 new people have been taken into quarantine and four of whom where close contact of the newly confirmed case. “Two additional contacts have been traced, making it a total of 101 people been followed up. The newly confirmed case is imported and we therefore call on the security personals,...