Israeli embassy gives over US$10K to Mansakonko

The Israeli embassy in Senegal overseeing The Gambia, has announced it's symbolic donation of $10.000 to help fight the pandemic and support the population of Mansakonko.

Mr. Daniel Aschheim, deputy chief of mission of The Israeli Embassy in Dakar, has Monday July 27, 2020 received The Chairman of Mansakonko Council Mr. Landing B. Sanneh and his Executive Chief Officer Mr. Paa Saith Ceesay.

The purpose of the meeting was to donate a symbolic check of $10.000 to the population of Mansakonko to help cope with the economic crisis caused by the COVID19.

The Chairman gladly thanks the Israeli Embassy and its entire staff for such a “big gesture” that promotes the relationship between the two countries, and adds more credential to the Mansakonko City.

For the Israeli Embassy, offering food supplies to 400 families in the Gambia is a privilege and honor.

The provision’s distribution will take place right after the feast of Aïd El Kebir.

As The Mayor said, The Representatives of The Israeli Embassy will not participate to that event, but The Council is looking forward to host them as soon as the pandemic resolved.


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