Gambians poised to promote interfaith tolerence - CTV Africa


During the National Interfaith Dialogue to ensure continuity in peaceful coexistence through religious tolerance and dialogue, participants were poised to further promote interfaith tolerance between Muslims and Christian communities in the country.

The two days convergence held at the Metzy Residence yesterday and today is organized by Activista, The Gambia with funding from Action Aid International, The Gambia (AAITG). The dialogue was graced by representatives from the Supreme Islamic Council, the Gambia Christian Council, diverse youth groups including political groups and the media.

Ndella Faye Colley, the Executive Director of AAITG stated that the forum focused on promoting interfaith dialogue to enhance peace-building, and tolerance and to strengthen our social cohesion and co-existence. She added that people are different, saying we need to appreciate each other’s differences.

“It is known that everyone is the same in the Gambia and we should cherish and nurture that.  Gambians are related by either tribe or religion. These are assets we have and they are intangible that you cannot get anywhere,” she stated.

She further reiterated that in a country which increasingly interconnected, diverse and independent, it is crucial that we have raised and upheld the principle of respect, understanding and acceptance on matters of religious beliefs.

She, however, continued that religion has played different roles in shaping societies, cultures and individuals.

Dr Kawsu Gassama, Board Chairman at Activista The Gambia also explained that peaceful engagement is to promote tolerance among different faiths, groups and ethics. He explained the need for peace, citing that a practitioner on peace and conflict will say preventive actions and said these are actions or activities within peace and conflict studies that are geared towards preventing conflicts.

“The dialogue is one of those and we are happy to host the dialogue with funding from action aid. They have been always supporting us and we are indeed grateful. The gathering is to promote discussions on issues relating to our way of living and promote co-existence,” he stated.

Dr Gassama further noted that the preamble of the Gambia’s Constitution talks about creating a stable, peaceful, and democratic society while emphasizing that this objective of the Constitution is what the convergence aimed to achieve.  

Muhammed S Bah, the President of The Gambia Press Union (GPU) also highlighted that in a democracy where diverse voices coexist, religious tolerance stands as a cornerstone for a harmonious society. He added that it is crucial to recognize that our differences in beliefs and faith enrich the fabric of our nation rather than dividing us.

“Religious tolerance is very key, and fostering understanding will ensure that we have a democracy where everyone lives harmoniously. In a democratic setting, every individual has the right to practice their religion freely without fear or discrimination. When we uphold religious tolerance, we ensure that these rights are safeguarded to allow people to express their conviction without hindrance,” he said.  



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